
Real US made cheap nike air max You've got to be kidding!

My faithful pair of basketball shoes was wearing a little thin so I reluctantly decided it was time to replace them. Being concerned about what outsourcing has been doing to the US economy I resolved that I would replace my old Reeboks (which were made in Korea) with a pair of real and 100% genuine "Made in USA" cheap nike free run. During the process I wanted to stay out of the clutches of the scammers and spammers who were selling fake replica shoes. First I went online and looked at the dazzling array of beautiful new court shoes available, but there was no indication of where these might have been made so off I went to Google. www.boot-camps.com.au, There I soon found out that all of big brand shoes such as Big N?( you know who I mean the king of shoes which made over a billion dollars profit last year) were made overseas, that the labor practices in their overseas plants appeared to be less than desirable, and that the foreign operations of a number of U.S. shoe companies left a lot to be desired.

 From there I decided to try the Mall and started looking at the labels of all the brand name basketball shoes - "Made in VietNam", "Made in Korea", Made in China", "Made in Thailand", "Made in "Indonesia" and "Made in Brazil". Not a single pair "Made in USA". This didn't seem to help much so I turned to the hovering clerk and asked if she had any Made in USA shoes. That question seemed to bewilder her, so I asked clerks in other stores and those who were not stunned by this question told me that there was no such thing as an American made cheap nike shoes, with the possible exception of Chuck Taylors. I was soon to find out that even manufacture of these stalwarts was moved overseas when Nike bought out Converse in 2003. I went back home perplexed and a bit disappointed but resolved to go straight to the horse mouth, so I started calling the corporate headquarters of some of the major US shoe manufacturers to get the real story.

 Nike told me that they were still manufacturing in Indonesia "and lots of other countries in that region", and that "it was not economically feasible to manufacture in the United States". This is the same company that made a profit of over $450 million in the third quarter of 2007 alone? www.manilia.com, The nice lady at L.A. Gear seemed a bit surprised when I asked if their shoes were made in USA but told me that their shoes were made in Brazil and several countries in Asia. Being nothing if not stubborn, I kept the phone warm and called Reebok but all I was told was that "All of our shoes are made somewhere outside of the United States". When I told this lady that I was concerned with cheap nike air max being manufactured in deplorable conditions overseas she sent me a very nice brochure which assured me that their shoes were manufactured under circumstances "appropriate in light of national practices and conditions". Several calls later I found that these countries were China, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines.

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